About KVET

The Kogelberg Villages Environmental Trustees

In 2022, concerned residents of the Kogelberg Villages region came together to identify community-driven solutions for the environmental challenges facing our region. The Kogelberg Villages Environmental Trustees (KVET) is a community-run Non-Profit Organization (Registration No.: 287-258 NPO) representing the ecological interests of Bettys Bay, Mooi Uitsig, Kleinmond, Pringle Bay, Hangklip and Rooiels.

KVET understands that we are fortunate to live in and around the UNESCO Kogelberg Biosphere Reserve and Marine Protected Area, a unique biosphere shared by both humans and wildlife and that we have a responsibility to not only protect our unique environment but to also serve our human communities and establish a harmonious co-existence. 

Protection of our Flora and Fauna is important for the long-term sustainability of our local environment and KVET is dedicated to informing and educating our residents and visitors so that we may all benefit from the nature that surrounds us.

The Board is comprised of local residents of the villages of the Kogelberg Village and the organisation is actively seeking further input and membership from the community.

Organizational Documents

Download copies of our founding documents, including the Constitution, and current revisions. 


18 October 2022 – In a meeting held by the Overstrand Municipality in Kleinmond, Mayor Rabie called upon the Kogelberg Biosphere village communities to come up with an alternative proposal for managing the baboons in our area.

It was clear in the meeting in Kleinmond that there was a need for a community-driven option to the current issue regarding managing our existing urban baboons.

The Humane.Not.Pain Organisation presented Mayor Rabie with a petition from the community to exclude all lethal, pain or stress-inducing tactics from the 2023 tender (including the use of paintball guns, bear bangers, collaring and forced displacement). 

3 November 2022 – In Betty’s Bay and 10th November 2022 in Pringle Bay, the proposal for a non-profit Community Board of Environmental Trustees was presented to the residents as an option for baboon management which was well received by the majority who were present.

The original presentation and subsequent survey can be found at

The full proposal to the community and the Overstrand Municipality can be found at this link:
Extended KVET Proposal 

14 November 2022 – Community members held a protest at Hermanus Municipal Office demanding a change in the unsustainable baboon management practices in the Kogelberg Villages. 

6 December 2023 – CBET applied to register the name of Kogelberg Villages Environmental Trustees (KVET) with the Department of Social Development as a Non-Profit Organisation. 

10 January 2023 – KVET sent a proposal for a citizen-based baboon monitoring programme (based on the Community Board of Environmental Trustees) to Executive Mayor Rabie, Cllr Cohen and Cllr Els, the response was that a meeting to discuss tender wording and if a tender would go ahead had not yet happened and this would be communicated in due course. 

25 January 2023 – KVET Community Board of Environmental Trustees proposal sent to Liezl DeVilliers of the Overstrand Municipality Environmental Department as requested by her after a discussion with a member of the community about the proposal at the Kogelberg Biosphere Reserve Workshop. Proposal: https://www.kvet.org.za/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/Extended-KVET-Proposal.pdf

09 February 2023 – Feedback from Liezl De Villiers that OM must follow the tender process and plans to have the tender out by the end of March 2023. 

21 February 2023 – Kogelberg Villages Environmental Trustees name was entered into the register of Non-Profit organisations by the Department of Social Development. Registration number 287-258 NPO. 

23 March 2023 –  OM releases a tender for Baboon Management in the Overstrand. 

30 March 2023 – Pringle Bay Baboon Information Officer (BIO) – Pilot Programme Launched by KVET Read More. The BIO program was set up due to the lack of management in the Pringle Bay CBD area and the foreseeable complications on the upcoming Easter Weekend. 

26 April 2023 – Tender submitted by KVET for baboon management in the Overstrand West Area. One other submission was received from NCC. HWS application misses the deadline. 

6 June 2023 – KVET received a response from the Overstrand Municipality that “The tender was cancelled due to insufficient funding to cover the total envisaged expenditure”. No public statement was made to the Kogelberg Community at that time regarding the way forward. 

29 June 2023 – KVET announces the extension the BIO Programme in the Pringle Bay CBD.

Our Mission

Our mission is to ensure the humane management of baboon troops in the Kogelberg area through education, advocacy, and community engagement. We strive to prevent human-baboon conflict and promote a peaceful coexistence between residents and baboons. We aim to keep baboons out of high traffic areas and private homes, reduce reliance on human-derived foods, and promote sustainable foraging behaviours. We are committed to understanding and addressing the root causes of conflict and to fostering a legacy of respect for the rich and diverse plant and animal life of the area.

“It is our collective and individual responsibility to preserve and tend to the environment in which we all live.”

His Holiness the XIV Dalai Lama

Office Bearers

Liezl Smith

Liezl Smith


Founding Member
Resident of Pringle Bay

A gypsy at heart - have lived and travelled extensively in Africa, Europe, America/ South America and India. ALL beings are connected…..it is our duty and privilege to take care of all that resides and grows on our planet. Business background: real estate and previously owner of an events and tenting solutions company.


Aimee Bell

Aimee Bell

Secretary and Founding Member

Founding Member
Resident of Pringle Bay

An outdoor enthusiast with a passion for Africa, travel and conscious sustainable living. Held the positions of General Manager at the Ubuntu Beds Non-Profit and Business Development Manager at Khwela Womxn Non-Profit Organisation. Working background in operations, travel technology and customer success.


Trudi Snyman

Trudi Snyman

Public Relations Lead

Resident of Pringle Bay

Megan Carr

Megan Carr


Elyse Hickman

Elyse Hickman

Resident of Pringle Bay

Board of Advisors

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